TIEW KING WAN (G126/55 ฆท.HB369/66A)

    For women, either single or married Is a hemodialysis drug Solving women who are thin and thin Menstrual irregularities Is often faint, dizzy, dark, face, black face pattern, there are many blemishes because of broken blood Sleeplessness, nightmares and raving often If eaten regularly Will make the flawless, soft water.

ANN AUI TAN (G16/58 ฆท.HB371/66A)

    Solve the distension, colic, abdominal pain due to stomach disease.

CIR BIAN WAN (G641/59 ฆท.HB367/66A)

    Is one of the best collection of various herbs Have passed the analysis, research, selection and experimentation as well With the perfect ratio Until it became a value product for men to use to prevent, treat, deteriorate and increase testosterone It also helps to make you stronger. Probably being young forever.

FONG SHI WAN (G588/59 ฆท.HB371/66A)

    Used to treat and relieve pain Helps to relieve aches and pains according to the body. Helps to relieve body aches, relieve back pain, lumbar pain, joint pain, relieve stiffness, especially in the elderly. As well as nourishing the blood Solve wasting disease, cure skin diseases.

PAI CUE WAN (G396/55 ฆท.HB370/66A)

    Helps urinate For people with urinary tract stones, kidney stones, ureter.

CIR FERN WAN (HB363/66A ฆท.HB363/66A)

    Nourish the kidneys, improve inflammation of the kidney.

CIR TAN WAN (G159/58 ฆท.HB368/66A)

    Helps to adjust the fat in the liver to normal Help treat hepatitis B Helps to treat acute and chronic liver inflammation. And helps eliminate toxins from the liver, preventing the liver from being damaged by toxins

JIA TU TAN (G264/56 ฆท.HB362/66A)

    Used to cure almost all types of toxins Neutralize the hangover And can remove toxins harm Whether it is poison, boredom, toxic chemicals and pesticides, it is a herbal medicine that should be kept at home.

PU SHEN WAN (G262/59 ฆท.HB361/66A)

    Helps to expand blood vessels, resulting in increased oxygen exchange in the capillaries. The body will be able to capture more free oxygen. Make the blood clean Is purifying the blood.

OMEGA 1000 MG. (51-1-08255-6-0010)

    ช่วยลดระดับไตรกลีเซอไรด์และคอเลสเตอรอลในเลือดสูง ป้องกันโรคหัวใจและหลอดเลือดสมอง สามารถบรรเทาและควบคุมความดันโลหิต ไขมันในเลือด น้ำตาลในเลือด และกรดยูริกในเลือด ทำให้หลอดเลือดนิ่มลงและกำจัดสารพิษออกจากเลือด วงการแพทย์เรียกว่า "ล้างสารพิษในหลอดเลือด"